According to EN 13990 groove-and-tongue boards of solid softwood, which mostly have thicknesses from 18 to 34 mm and widths from 70 to 192 mm, are called floorboards. The length of the board must be at least 1,5 m. The ends of the boards can be cut even or provided with groove and tongue. The floorboard can be fingerjointed. The boards must be planed at four sides along their full length. At the rear may only be scraped 20% by the planer knife. The visible side must be smoothly planed and a visible plane mark distance of up to 2 mm is allowed. The type of wood is selected depending on the requirements of use in the structure and must be stated. Sorting is undertaken according to specified characteristics (sortings A and B according to Table 3 of EN 13990). Depending on the manufacturer, free sortings (classes) are offered as well, in which all sorting characteristics according to Table 3 of EN 13990 must be listed. The fire behaviour of the parquet is classified according to the classification report of the manufacturer or according to EN 13501-1 (Cfl-s1, Dfl-s1, Efl – according to product details and end-use condition). The CE-certification of wood flooring and parquet has been compulsory according to EN 14342 since 01.03.2010.
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