The bottom rail detail as a transition between the house and the outdoor area is an essential basis for the successful building process and a long working life of the building, especially for timber frame constructions. To prevent timber decay, a durable moisture protection and constructional measures are absolutely necessary.
This guideline defines practically and functionally reliable details for the bottom rail in timber frame constructions. It covers the phases of planning, prefabrication and construction site, includes drawings and written explanations.
In the area of the bottom rail, there is usually a lot of subcontracted work.
Therefore it is important to pay special attention to a good coordination between all the companies which also requires a well thought-out planning. The aim is to raise the awareness of all participants involved, and to present solutions for planners, tenderers and contractors. The recommendations are intended to support them. Responsible thinking and acting remains the top priority. The details are exemplary solutions, adaptations to the specific project are possible.